The Road Network

(Square with corners A, B, C and D not connected) Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Fisherman, Mr. Smith and Mr. Taylor live some distance from each other, and if you look at a map, you see their houses are in the corners of a square (points A, B, C and D in the picture). They want to build a road network between their houses so that they can conveniently visit each other.

However, these men are frugal, and they want to build as few miles of road as possible. What should their road network look like, so that it would be possible to travel from each house to the others, but the total length of the roads is minimized?

If you want, you can send mail to me to find out if you solved it correctly. Please put "roads" in the subject of the message.

Published in Njet Problem! collection 2001-08-31.

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