Framed GalleryWalk at Kolumbus

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 Original GalleryWalk at Kolumbus

. . . a passion for Excellence

This is a Self-Flipping GalleryWalk - You have 3 minutes time onto the first presentation. Any presentation can be activated by the links "1-9" below - or by the lefthand shortcuts. You'll have 30 seconds time for every presentation. The GalleryWalk is also an experiment in optimizing visuability without loosing too much effectiveness - and of course without expressing too poor a taste.

 Mirror: The Arts of Html at Pcuf

The GalleryWalk is my experimental Play Ground. It's a collection of different expressions in colors, backgrounds and textures. Colors of texts and links have to be optimized - and fairly tasty. Colors of pictures and icons have to match different backgrounds. Some texts might be biased by the browsers and will be better off as pictures. Transparent Gifs is a blessing with hefty textures. Borders and Rulers gives the page a cool facelift through text and link colors and areas can express visuability through the background colors of pages and tabloid areas.

Walk the Gallery now (?)   | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |

 Original Virtual Garden at Kolumbus

This page is a tabloid version of the GalleryWalk. A framed version will also be offered if You have a suitable browser for it. In case You've tried the link to the framed version and still end up on this same page - no panic. The framed version has this supported - cloned page and noframed backup of the GalleryWalk page.

In case You want to study my experimental navigational aids You are forced to update Your browser version. My navigational aids handles both simple frames and enhanced javascripted frames. Watch out! You might get a taste for it.


© seanhype Last updated: