
perjantai, syyskuu 12, 2003

Well, well. It appears that the season is really on which means that my updates have a lag. Lots of new courses beginning this and next week. Actually I managed even to slip in to my first really interesting course in HSE. It has something to do with Environmental communication and focusing ongraduating or graduate students. It sounded good. At the university it is Foucault all over - discourses, archeologies, geneologies and such. Should I enlarge my bachelors thesis to include something of Foucault would certainly give some focus to my studies. We will see.

I still do not get how those people get elected to governing bodies of HYY without any interest to use their position or power. Or even to learn the necessary to be able to understand and communicate ideas. Those things are not difficult to grasp if one is interested at all.


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